• info@makaotech.co.tz
  • +255765608356/+255676987508
  • 27 Aug, 2023
  • Admin


We Only charge 25,000 TZS Per one job posting

If you have many job adverts please Call us +255765608356 or See our Packages below for discount

Send your job description and logo to info@makaotech.co.tz  and we will upload it.


Payment is via mobile money


Tigo Pesa: 0676987508

Vodacom Mpesa: 0765608356

Advantages of Posting your Job Advert With us

  1. Your job advert stays on our front page for two days
  2. We share it on our Instagram for two days at @makaotech_
  3. Your job advert is seen on Makaotech Mobile App
  4. We share on our Telegram and Whats app Groups

For More Info Call 0765608356/0676987508


  • 4 Job Posting
  • Price: 49,999 TZS
  • We Post on Our Website, Instagram, Facebook Page, Telegram Group and Whats App Groups
  • Your Posts Stay on Front Page for 2 Days


  • 10 Job Posting
  • Price: 135,000 TZS
  • We Post on Our Website, Instagram, Facebook Page, Telegram Group and Whats App Groups
  • Your Posts Stays on Front Page for 2 Days


  • 25 Job Posting
  • Price: 239,000 TZS
  • We Post on Our Website, Instagram, Facebook Page, Telegram Group and Whats App Groups
  • Your Posts Stay on Front Page for 2 Days

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