• info@makaotech.co.tz
  • +255765608356/+255676987508


  • Farm management services: Makaotech can help you with all aspects of farm management, from planning and budgeting to crop and livestock production. They can also provide you with access to machinery and equipment, as well as technical advice and support.
  • Agricultural extension services: Makaotech can provide you with training and advice on a variety of agricultural topics, such as crop rotation, pest control, and irrigation. They can also help you to access government subsidies and other agricultural support programs.
  • Livestock services: Makaotech can help you with all aspects of livestock keeping, from animal health and breeding to feed and fodder production. They can also provide you with access to markets for your livestock products.
  • Food processing services: Makaotech can help you to process your agricultural products into finished goods, such as canned food, dried fruits, or milled flour. They can also provide you with packaging and marketing assistance.
  • Food distribution services: Makaotech can help you to distribute your food products to retailers, restaurants, or other businesses. They can also provide you with cold storage and transportation services.

In addition to these services, Makaotech can also provide you with a variety of other support services, such as financial advice, legal assistance, and marketing support. They can also help you to connect with other farmers and businesses in the agricultural sector.

If you are looking for help with farming, agriculture, livestock keeping, or food services, Makaotech is a great resource. They have a team of experienced professionals who can help you with all aspects of your business.

Here are some additional details about each of the services offered by Makaotech:

  • Farm management services: Makaotech's farm management services can help you to improve your farm's productivity and profitability. They can help you to develop a farm plan, budget for your inputs, and choose the right crops and livestock for your farm. They can also help you to manage your pests and diseases, and to market your products.
  • Agricultural extension services: Makaotech's agricultural extension services can help you to improve your farming practices. They can provide you with training on topics such as crop rotation, pest control, and irrigation. They can also help you to access government subsidies and other agricultural support programs.
  • Livestock services: Makaotech's livestock services can help you to improve your livestock production. They can provide you with advice on animal health and breeding, as well as feed and fodder production. They can also help you to market your livestock products.
  • Food processing services: Makaotech's food processing services can help you to add value to your agricultural products. They can help you to process your products into finished goods, such as canned food, dried fruits, or milled flour. They can also provide you with packaging and marketing assistance.
  • Food distribution services: Makaotech's food distribution services can help you to get your food products to market. They can help you to connect with retailers, restaurants, or other businesses. They can also provide you with cold storage and transportation services.